Abstract: A riveting chronicle of Communist oppression and the struggle for democratic reform in China from 1976 to 1993. Reveals some of the first details of the years following Tiananmen Square focusing on three leading figures in the democracy movement. Features narratives from scores of other key figures in the movement told in their own words.
Keywords: book review, international, China, Tiananmen Square Massacre.
book cover
Title: Black Hands of Beijing : Lives of Defiance in China's Democracy Movement
Author: George Black, Robin Munro
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Date Published: April 1993
ISBN: 0471579777
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Growing Up in the Big Storm

Festival of the Dead

The Thinking Generation

The Frontiers of Gengshen

Going Independent

Cracks in the Fabric

The Blueprint Faction


"A Planned Conspiracy"

Masters of the House

Pushed to Center Stage

State Secrets

The Eclipse of Reason

The Polish Disease

Power Comes from the Barrel of a Gun


"A Conspiratorial Clique"

Rest in a New Forest

Crime and Punishment

To Those Who Resist, Severity


Cast of Characters


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